



Link at NGA is currently dead, and I can’t find an alternate download site when I do, I’ll update the link. Note: Active development ceased a few years ago. Image annotation with text, grids, north arrow.Geo-registration and geo-rectification of images.Up to 256 bands per image allows access to hyperspectral data.


  • MicroMSI supports band sequential, BIL and BSQ file in many common commercial image formats.
  • Image data importing/indexing wizard that simplifies the process of accessing new imagery.
  • Multiple display of multi-spectral imagery including: gray-level, multiband (pseudo-color and derived panchromatic), band-ratioed, band-differenced, thermal, NDVI, supervised classification (three algorithms), unsupervised classification, spectral classification, stereo anaglyph and principal component analysis.
  • MicroMSI is a multi-spectral imagery analysis program that is optimized for commonly available microcomputer hardware (Windows). Note: Not primarily a geographically-oriented application
  • Save all measures, data, calibration and preferences in a single project file.
  • Profile (variation of granulometry, density, objects or background).
  • Tools for data collection in one or two dimensions.
  • Image rectification (geometric corrections by control points).
  • Image processing (binary and morphology operations, filtering, segmentation…).
  • Object analysis (size, shape, orientation, texture …).
  • Quantify components: objects or background.
  • Read images in TIFF, BMP, FlashPiX, GIF, JPEG, PNG, and PNM formats.
  • JMicroVision contains tools having various degrees of automation in order to handle with complex and varied images. It has an intuitive user interface with powerful features and supports very large images (more than 1 GB, even with a computer with little memory). JMicroVision was designed to describe, measure, quantify and classify components of all kinds of images. It has evolved into a general purpose visualization system which supports several common satellite and remote sensing data formats. IVICS (Interactive Visualizer and Image Classifier for Satellites) was developed as a visualization tool to facilitate selection of training samples from satellite images. Note: Created by the USGS primarily for analyzing imagery from planetary probes. Isis operates on both classical two-dimensional images as well as three-dimensional cubes collected from imaging spectrometers. It has many standard image processing operations such as contrast stretch, image algebra, filters, and statistical analysis.


    The Integrated System for Imagers and Spectrometers (Isis) is a specialized image processing package. More of a general image analysis program, but with dozens of plug-ins for image enhancement and analysis. Java-based image acquisition and analysis software.


    Note: If you can’t get the software from the main page, try this link. The purpose of NASA Image2000 is to provide a host-independent image processing system for students and educators using tutorials developed by SEE and the Center for Image Processing in Education ( CIPE).


    NASA Image2000 is being developed by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 588 and NASA’s Scientific and Educational Endeavors ( SEE).
